Trees are majestic and necessary, but they can pose problems for people if they get sick, are damaged, are at the end of their lives, or are simply growing in the wrong place. Here are some ways you can tell when a tree is becoming dangerous.
Large, Heavy Branch Hanging Where It Shouldn’t
One sign of danger is a large, heavy branch that’s hanging over a structure such as your house, your neighbor’s house, a garage or shed, power lines, or a road. Even if the branch looks healthy and sturdy, it can still be broken in a high wind or storm. By the way, even a smaller branch shouldn’t overhang a structure because it can drop leaves, twigs, and fruit that cause problems such as clogged gutters. Call an arborist, and have the branch removed.
Large Areas of Rot or Decay
Call a tree service professional if you notice large areas on the tree that are rotten or decayed. Extensive decay is a sign that the tree is sick or dying, especially if you see it in lots of branches, on the trunk, or on the place where the trunk meets the roots, which is called the trunk flare or the root flare.
Dead Branches
Though even a healthy branch can snap off, the chances of a dead branch snapping off and causing damage are even greater. Even a branch that’s already broken off and is trapped among living branches can find a way to fall and cause damage or injury.
Tree Has a Severe Lean
Perfectly straight trees are unusual, and most trees lean a little. However, a tree that has a notable lean is a potential hazard, especially if the angle is such that the roots have been partially torn out of the ground.
Bark That’s Deeply Cracked or Split
Some trees are prized because their bark sports attractive furrows, but cracks and splits that expose the cambium of the tree are signs that all is not well. These cracks are not only problematic on the tree’s trunk but also on large branches. Branches with cracks are also in danger of falling.
Damaged Roots
Roots that you see near the surface of the ground may be a sign that the tree isn’t anchored as securely in the ground as it should be. Roots that are damaged or missing are definite signs of problems that an arborist needs to investigate and possibly repair.
Call Our Tree Specialists if You’re Worried About Your Trees
There are many signs that tell you that your tree is becoming a hazard. Some are obvious, but others are subtle. If you need emergency services for your tree, don’t hesitate to call our arborists at L&J Tree Service of Medford, Oregon.