Is It Time to Schedule a Tree Trimming?

trimming tree branches

Regular tree trimming is a great way to keep your trees safe and healthy. We do this by removing branches that are a problem before they have time to damage your property or other trees. The trick is knowing when to call and schedule our tree trimming service. The following signs will let you know […]

An Overcrowded Canopy Can Leave Your Trees Vulnerable to Storm Damage

arborist cutting branch

Proper pruning can prolong the life of trees on your property, particularly the deciduous trees. An overcrowded tree that provides a block of shade is actually going to be more vulnerable to high winds. A canopy that’s overcrowded will also stay wet from rain or dew and may be more vulnerable to fungi and bacteria. […]

Be Proactive About Trees on Your Commercial Property

While this region is well-known for its Comice pear trees, it’s home to many other tree varieties. In fact, many commercial locations will invest in trees for their landscape to enhance their property’s curb appeal. As a business owner, there are some key things that you’ll want to do to prevent any problems with the […]

Doing Your Own Basic Tree Maintenance

Professional gardener pruning a tree

Keeping the trees on your property healthy starts with observation. When they’re fully leafed out, look for leaves that are browning or branches with no leaves. If you can easily reach them, removing dead branches can be good for your tree. Invest in the Right Tools The first tool to use when trimming your own […]

Protect Your Property by Scheduling Land Clearing When You Need It

Tree stump close up in a coniferous forest

Branches, old tree stumps, and overgrowth may seem like mere inconveniences and eye sores, but they can be a threat to your property. Land clearing is designed to remove foliage, unwanted obstacles, and any obtrusive plants, rocks, branches, and other objects you do not want in your yard. While it has an aesthetic value, the […]

4 Identifying Signs of Trees in High-Risk Areas

A Tree Surgeon trims trees using a chain saw and a bucket truck

It is important to know the dangers trees in high-risk areas can present. From unstable roots to dead limbs, these issues can pose a significant risk to public safety. Knowing how to identify signs of potential problems is key to ensuring people’s safety and preventing damage or injury. Here are some signs that it may […]

Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Cutting Down That Tree

Storm felled oak tree falls on house ripping through its roof

Trees are a wonderful addition to any landscape, but sometimes, they need to be removed. Determining when a tree must be removed is difficult, but understanding the reasons can help. Here are a few of the most common reasons tree removal is necessary. Disease and Pest Infestation Trees can contract diseases as well as suffer […]